
Maintenance today means much more than lubricating at regular intervals and repairing after asset failure. Intelligent processes and methodologies are used to optimize plant reliability.

In this 3-day training course, you will learn how to manage your lubrication plan and all the activities that revolve around lubrication, with the aim of increasing plant reliability and equipment availability.

Recommended audience

Maintenance managers, supervisors, team leaders, technicians and others with a leadership role in lubrication management.

You will learn

You will learn about possible failure modes and how to choose the right type of maintenance. You will also learn how to carry out correct oil sampling to make the analysis reliable and the resulting actions as effective as possible, and you will learn about the characteristics and properties of base oil, additives and greases.

Day 1

  • The positive effect of proactive lubrication activities on equipment reliability
  • Causes of equipment failure
  • Why adopt a proactive lubrication approach?
  • Identify your current strategy and the impact on profitability
  • Maintenance strategies
  • Tribology
  • Friction, wear, lubrication
  • The role of lubricants
  • The Stribeck curve
  • Interpretation of kappa value
  • Base oil
  • Formulation and API group of different oils
  • Viscosity, viscosity index and the consequences of choosing the wrong oil
  • Food grade lubricants
  • Fire-resistant lubricants
  • Additives
  • The essential role of additives
  • Characteristics of different additives
  • Why choose a grease?
  • Grease composition
  • NLGI grade
  • Selection criteria
  • Lubrication methods
  • Grease compatibility

Day 2

  • Oil analysis
  • Sources of contamination
  • Good sampling practices
  • Oil analysis: predictive and/or proactive approach?
  • On-site or off-site laboratory
  • Interpretation of results, Tri-Vector, Trend, Reports and Alarm parameters
  • Different types of filtration
  • Role of oil analysis in equipment monitoring
  • Storage and handling
  • Methods of storage and stock rotation
  • Lubricant coding, good procedures
  • Parameters influencing lubricant service life

Day 3

  • Approach to lubrication excellence
  • Positioning audit
  • Bad practices
  • The lubricator's role
  • Lubrication plan
  • Lubrication rounds and appropriate equipment
  • Example of cost calculation if poor lubrication leads to breakage
  • Continuous improvement
  • Certification and qualification
  • Observation of performance indicators

Course duration

3 days

Interested in this training?

Ask for more information or schedule a session for you and your team!